Lessons and tips for a $500 to $1000 a day earner.Nov 23, 2008
As we watch Billion dollar companies collapse, subways and train service decline in NYC because of cut backs and we watch behemoths like Chrysler, Ford and GM choke for more funding, this is no time to skin each other alive and expect each other to blindly step into our own financial doom.
We can NOT and will not allow BLIND foolishness in respect to each of our individual steps to gather more funds.
** Did you notice the empty parking lots at malls lately?
During this all, I have taught and profited with these four simple, but very timely and precise ideas.
Number #1It’s simply not prudent and could be considered naïve to enter the field and ask anyone, any longer, to trust you for beyond maybe a hundred dollars.
Yes, you may have a killer $1,000 program that works. Great!
Yes, you may even have a fabulous product that helps people. Even better.
However, it will prove to be certain biz suicide to ask or expect new people who you are luring into your prosperity program to “test” and trust you with a higher than $10 and $50 price point.
Let's be realistic.
Do you really think the neighbors will now risk or even fathom risking $200 to $500 to $1,000 in something they FIRST can’t justify?
Uh, no.
They won’t and even more to the point, they can’t.
The solution is to enter the market with a SAMPLE or mini version of what you sell for an irresistible $10 to $50. Everyone can “risk” $10 and $20 and if it has a 100% guarantee even better.
Example: Our $597 program pays $500 YES, people pay by CC card or cash or money order and it pays $500 per $597.
The beauty though, is that the front end is just $37 and you earn $20.
See PDF + single sheet flyer + make copies show everyoneThe fact is, people will no longer allow themselves to be fooled or be made the fool; is why Star-Bucks and teenage clothing store American Eagle is on the list of “oh that is so over.”
Tip #2The operative word is sacrifice.
Which in it’s greek root means “sacred”
Which means that we as a people right now simply can not afford to do anything that we haven’t first made sacred by thorough and certain ACTION. And action that fails is not sacred.
An action that is risky, filled with caution and is less than likened to a perfect laser beam,is an action that you can no longer afford. Each move has to be calculated. Each action has to be well thought out and a price must be paid as in, you now must move with sacred intent.
Example: doing the mundane like getting up before work and being at the PC by 4 am, is a sacrifice. It’s also a sacred act of action by you.
This is where you want to be in these dark days in order to re-visit the light of prosperity that DOES still exist.
- Sacrifice being impatient and make being PRUDENT the solution.
- Sacrifice the games and only decide to deliver and sell total value.
- Sacrifice inactivity and add 4% more time and more energy into your work.
In today’s market, the ones with not enough action to justify a profit will be eaten and expelled by the market itself. Money games, unprofitable fast buck programs that prey on the greed of others, those will shortly be utterly banished.
Because the market that used to “fall” for such bastardized means of money making, that market will not even any longer have two dimes to rub together
What the new normal will look like is
Patience. Grace. Sacrifice. Value. Risk-free and Cash rich.
The people will play. The people will earn. But not at each other’s expense. And no longer will they risk even one thin dime.
And if you aren’t in sacred display of loverage, all bets are off because the game will eat the “players.”
The birds have enough. I have more than enough.
And so will you.
You simply have to now MASTER the mundane.
Make every step you take BLESS the steps you take in the future.
And what you do TO others has to be a healing. Not a hurt.
Just pretend the new biz valuation is WAL-MART. Always ask, “Am I being prudent and value driven like Wal-Mart?”
Here is the concept
“To make and get more GET value you have to lead with more GIVE value.”
The people will give you $597 and it pays $500 commission per sale. But, until they can sample and inspect the program for $37 they won’t.
If you lead today with “OH PLEASE TRUST ME with your $1,000,” you will not be here in this industry in 6-10 months. Because the market will vote with this,“you are asking for too much trust too soon please go away.”
No Fear. No Excuses. Start your own bail-out and teach others to as well.
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Samples are at:
The MillionMind March.See PDF and see single sheet flyer / PDFRecorded 24 Hr. “save me” 1-800 BAIL-OUT message
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I promised you four new IDEAS. I gave you two so far
Here is # 3ANSWER your phone.
People will no longer BLINDLY play and work and buy things with faceless gamers on the internet. They simply can no longer afford to RISK working with “your voice mailbox is full” people. People who CANT even make their own voice mail messages.
People who HAVE NO VOICE will not survive the new economy of 2008-2009.
The solution is to be MORE YOU now more than ever. The answer is to be MORE available and twice as transparent as everyone else.
Here is Tip and Solution # 4Oops! Send me an email at susancritelli@gmail.com with "Bailout" in the subject line and I will send it to you.
See you soon.
Stay Close.
Susan Critelli
Homeschool Mom/Pioneer Doer/Good News Merchant